Psychological effects of drug abuse pdf

Alcohol and drugs can take a heavy toll on the human body. However, it is important to recognize that drugs are just substances, and regardless of their reputation and legal status, they affect the. Psychological factors associated with substance use in. Symptoms of drug withdrawal are usually the opposite of the effects produced by the presence of the drug in. For our purposes, sociological theories understand substance abuse as a societal phenomenon, having largely cultural, social, and economic origins or ties. The science of addiction national institute on drug abuse. The present research paper explored the impact of drug addiction on mental health.

Substance abuse is a worldwide phenomenon and it is not something to be ignored, and it. Drug abuse can also alter blood pressure, causing dangerous drops or spikes. Physical and psychological effects of substance use. Some effects continue even after a person has stopped using the drug. The psychological causes of drug addiction drug addiction. Substance abusedrug addiction is often seen in patients who have experienced psychological trauma. Smith a lifetheme theory of chronic drug abuse james v.

The mental health problems that most commonly cooccur with substance abuse are depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders. Psychosocial factors youll soon see why mental illnesses are only one psychological factor in a persons drug. In this post, we look at the causes and effects of drug abuse in nigeria. This thesis examines possible factors related to use of substances, with specific focus on psychological factors associated with increased risk of using illicit drugs. There are many forms of addiction, and each one poses its own series of risks. Marijuana blocks the messages going to your brain and alters your perceptions and emotions, vision, hearing, and coordination. According to this model, children of alcoholics have difficult temperaments and. Wild mood swings, depression, anxiety, paranoia, violence. The human kidney can be damaged both directly and indirectly by habitual drug use over a period of many years. Addictions like drug addiction are fundamentally a behavior. Altered heart rate, abnormal heart rhythms, and pathological changes in blood pressure may all contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Psychology is a science that studies human behavior.

Chronic use of some drugs can lead to both short and longterm changes in the brain, which can lead to mental health issues including paranoia, depression, anxiety, aggression, hallucinations, and other problems. Furthermore, experiencing trauma early in life increases a persons susceptibility for drug addiction. Mental health effects national institute on drug abuse nida. Family members have to deal with the emotional pain of finding their loved ones unconscious, taking them to hospitals, or things like that. Drug abuse in sports and its psychological effects on athletes. Physical effects of drug abuse greenhouse treatment center. The psychological distress associated with substance abuse and drug abuse can range from mild to serious. Parental alcoholism and drug addiction can create poor selfimage, loneliness, guilt, anxiety, feelings of helplessness, fear of abandonment and chronic depression in children. The effects of drug abuse on family members, specifically for children living with an addicted parent can be felt long after childhood and well into adulthood. While drug and alcohol addiction use often begin as voluntary behaviors, addiction prompts chemical alterations in the brain that affect memory, behavior and the. Addiction is frequently intertwined with other mental health issues, but this relationship doesnt always have a clear directionality. Addiction and negative effects of drug abuse on the human body. The same general statements can be made for both men and women about their longterm effectsfor example, both genders incur liver problems resulting from alcohol abuse, respiratory impairment and lung cancer as a consequence of smoking, hivaids and hepatitis.

Sixteen of these registered researchers are approved to conduct research with smoked marijuana on human subjects. Aside from the immediate physical injuries children can experience through maltreatment, a childs reactions to abuse or neglect can have lifelong and even intergenerational impacts. Impact of substance abuse on academic performance among. How does science provide solutions for drug abuse and addiction. Of course, evidence of actual abuse of a substance is indicative that a drug has a potential for abuse. A case research strategy wa because the investigation involved a real life. Effects of drug addiction physical and psychological. Physiological effects and consequences of substance abuse in women. Consequences of addiction effects of substance abuse serenity. Further research helps transfer these ideas into practice in our communities.

Drug addiction must be understood in all forms, because everybody is different, and in order to give the most effective treatment, the health professional must be educated about all the theories that come with the psychology of addiction. Vipene department of educational foundations, faculty of technical and science education rivers state university of science and technology, port harcourt, rivers state, nigeria dr. In the case of alcohol, they learn that the drug can pro duce reinforcing effects, such as feelings of euphoria, and reductions in anxiety and ten sion. The deviance proneness model focuses on deficits in children in behavioral selfregulation and socialization and on the cascade of effects that result from and interact with these deficits. Drug use and its psychological and physiological effects mary bella torosyan. Drugs would distort the normal perception capacity and functionality of the brain and make a pseudo visualization and perception. Physiological effects of drug abuse vary by the type of drug. The effects of drug and alcohol abuse create a ton of short and long term issues.

Drug abuse and addiction, now both grouped as substance or drug use disorder, is a condition characterized by a selfdestructive pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems and distress, which may include tolerance to or withdrawal from the substance. One of the psychological effects of addiction involved in craving is the belief the addict cannot function or handle life without the use of the drug. The lifestyle of active addiction takes a huge toll on the mind and body. Psychological trauma and drug addiction dual diagnosis. Furthermore, significant associations between excessive use of illicit drugs, positive drug effects as well as intention of future drug use were found.

Drug addiction must be understood in all forms, because everybody is different, and in order to give the most effective treatment, the health. Drug use and its psychological and physiological effects. The alarming evidence in the prevalence of drug abuse, the effects and consequences of substance abuse among students has called for concern and challenge to all helping professions to mount strategies of equipping youths with skills of living devoid of substance abuse. Psychosocial factors in alcohol use and alcoholism 183 deviance proneness.

Scientists study the effects that drugs have on the brain and on peoples behavior. Studies include evaluation of abuse potential, physicalpsychological effects, adverse effects, therapeutic potential, and detection. They use this information to develop programs for preventing drug abuse and for helping people recover from addiction. Pdf impact of drug addiction on mental health researchgate. According to the national institute on drug abuse nida, longterm drug abuse can affect. The effects of drug abuse can also include decreasing performance in work or school. Discontinuing participation in sports and giving up hobbies are other effects of drug abuse. Understanding, preventing, and treating child abuse, however, requires some degree of categorization, because qualitative differences in abuse charac. Psychological factors associated with substance use in adolescents. For example, adolescents typically use drugs when with very close friends, and so the peer influence on drug use and abuse may occur in a cycle. But, psychological factors do play a role in some peoples drug taking behaviors. Longterm residential and outpatient care provides a level of support that recognizes the ongoing struggles an individual will face during the postwithdrawal phase. Drugs cause changes the term drug is ambiguous, it means one and another thing simultaneously. Drug abuse and addiction often occur alongside mental illness.

Many people who are addicted to drugs are also diagnosed with other mental disorders and vice versa. Among the most common longterm mental health issues associated with drug abuse and addiction are. The study recommends that all schools should set up guidance and counselling offices facilitated by professionals to counsel students who indulge in drug abuse. Longterm effects of drug addiction alta mira recovery. Apr 23, 2019 psychological effects of drug addiction. Based on the substance abuse and mental health services administrations samhsas 1996 national household survey on drug abuse, researchers. Shontz drug use as a protective system leon wurmser 46 50 59 71 theories on ones relationship to others psychological, social, and epidemiological. This means that the meaning of drug would differ depending on the context it is being used. Social and psychological influences on emerging adult. The study involved the investigation of the causes, effects and remedi of drug abuse among children with reference to hananasif ward ir district, dar es salaam, tanzania.

Drugs, brains, and behavior the science of addiction. Organizers behind the medical marijuana movement did not really concern themselves with. The effects of drug addiction on family members bhopb. Psychological tolerance to the drugs effects creating a desire to do everincreasing amounts of the drug. Mental health effects national institute on drug abuse. Health, social, and psychological consequences of drug use and. When scientists began to study addictive behavior in the 1930s, people addicted to drugs were thought to be morally flawed and lacking in willpower. Theories on drug abuse selected contemporary perspectives, 30.

It was concluded that drug abuse can be eradicat collaboration between families, community, government and hospitals. This decreased performance may lead to disciplinary action, expulsion or dismissal, creating money problems and possibly even legal troubles. For our purposes, sociological theories understand substance abuse as a societal phenomenon, having largely cultural, social, and. The consequences of addiction can affect ones wellbeing, physical health and professional life. Department of justice, drug enforcement administration drugs csa schedules trade or other names medical uses physical dependence psychological dependence tolerance duration hours usual method possible effects effects of overdose withdrawal syndrome narcotics heroin substance i diamorphine, horse, smack. Chronic use of some drugs can lead to both short and longterm changes in the brain, which can lead to mental health issues including.

These effects are not only physical but psychological also. However, there does not appear to be a consensus within the. Drugs of abuse also offers a list of additional drug education and prevention resources, including the dea websites. Physiological effects of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco on. As psychological dependence develops, the user gets mentally hooked on the drug. Gender, raceethnicity, marital status, college, employment, peer and family influences, individual temperament, and attitudes. In general, positive expectancies about the effects of alcohol or drugs are associated with increased alcohol and drug use and related problems. Excess use of drugs largely affects individuals mental health.

Overwhelming evidence exists for an increased association between childhood sexual and physical abuse and victimization and increased drug use and abuse. Drug abuse in sports and its psychological effects on athletes dr. Drug use is a broad term to cover the taking of all psychoactive substances within which there are stages. Sociological theories of drug abuse introduction this chapter discusses sociological theories of substance use and abuse. Drug abuse and addiction, now both grouped as substance or drug use disorder, is a condition characterized by a selfdestructive pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems and distress, which may include tolerance to or withdrawal from the substance drug use disorder is unfortunately quite common, affecting more than 8% of people in the united states at some point in. As they are victims, it perhaps justifies as to why their lack of awareness to causes and effects of drug abuse contributes largely to drug abuse. Apr 23, 2019 the effects of drug abuse can also include decreasing performance in work or school.

Lasting psychological effects from drug use and abuse. Childhood maltreatment can be linked to later physical, psychological, and behavioral consequences as well. This addiction can erode physical and mental health and can become so strong that these drugs dominate all aspects of. The same general statements can be made for both men and women about their longterm effectsfor example, both genders incur liver problems resulting from alcohol abuse, respiratory impairment and lung cancer as a consequence of smoking, hivaids and hepatitis from. At any level of severity, this distress can have a profoundly negative impact on the life of an addicted individual. Operant conditioningpeople may initially use a drug because of social influence, trial and error, or social observation. In determining into which schedule a drug or other substance should be placed, or whether a substance should be decontrolled.

Other psychological effects of drug addiction include. A dea resource guide 9 health of the user or to the safety of the community. Nearly 25 percent of children and adolescents have experienced some sort of trauma. An understanding of the economic costs of drug abuse is necessary to develop policies that reduce such costs. In study 3 groups of adolescents with different psychological profiles, based upon levels of impulsivity, depressive symptoms and positive drug effect were identified. A longitudinal study of the conditional effects of deviant behavior on drug use among three racialethnic groups of adolescents. Cocaine and amphetamines are strongly associated with cardiovascular. Identifying certain behaviors as abuse stretches across domains of social policy, law, psychological research, and public perception. Depressants, by contrast, impair mental and physical functions, and slow neural activity in the brain. Even if drug addiction originates because of some biological process, recovery from drug use requires people to become motivated to make significant changes. Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine. Chronic stress, drug use, and vulnerability to addiction.

Stimulants, such as amphetamines, can delay sleep and elevate a persons mood, but high amounts can cause nervousness and anxiety in the user. Drug abuse inicts immeasurable harm on public health and safety around the world each year, and threatens the peaceful development and smooth functioning of many societies. It is also interesting to note that the effects of drugs are often seen as either good or bad depending on the context of their use. The lasting psychological effects of drug or alcohol abuse are one reason longterm drug and alcohol treatment is more effective in the prevention of relapse. Psychological factors in drugtaking behavior video. There are many longterm effects of drug addiction that you may not be aware of. Measures that can be taken to control drug abuse according to the study, 79% of students do not offer any measure to curbing drug abuse. Caffeine psychological effects, use and abuse sanford bolton, ph. Drug use and its psychological and physiological effects nyu. Understanding substances drug and alcohol information and.

Physical and psychological effects of substance use handout. Drug use, mental health and problems related to crime and violence. Drug use affects people from all walks of life and all socioeconomic statuses. Whatever the reason a person starts taking drugs, whether recreationally or as prescribed, tolerance, patterns of increased use, physical dependence and, ultimately, addiction may developsometimes before the user even realizes it. Department of psychology, the university of gothenburg, sweden. Different drugs have different physical and mental effects on individuals. Signs of substance abuse drug abuse symptoms and effects. Though this paper uses these terms interchangeably, we recognize that their nuances may convey different meanings. Substance abuse and dependence 293 tolerance physical habituation to a drug such that with frequent use, higher doses are needed to achieve the same effects. The psychological effects of drug addiction come from the reason the user is addicted to drugs, as well as the changes that take place in the brain once a person becomes a drug addict. Abuse results in symptoms of caffeinism which include agitation, disorientation and a syndrome which may be mistaken for anxietyneurosis.